Sunday, 10 June 2012

Week Ending 10th June 2012

Obviously, a significant part of the week was taken up with the bank holidays and the Queens Jubilee celebrations. Soner, from the London office braved the weather on Sunday and managed to get a good vantage point and some cracking shots of the Royal Barge complete with a decent London backdrop.

Meanwhile, back in the office, the week continued with the normal humdrum designs and details for roads, sewers and buildings which make up the staple diet of the consulting engineer. We did, however, manage to secure the appointment on a 120 house development in Hatfield with a new (national) client providing the designs for both the infrastructure and foundations. Should be an interesting one with a cut & fill exercise and foundations varying from standard trench fill through to piles, rafts and vibro.

On a smaller scale, once again we were called in to provide advice on how to improve on the inadequate temporary works being used on site. Although our staff spent Wednesday morning on a CDM refresher training course, it still appears that, when it comes to site, the rules, regulations and guidance continue to be ignored! On this one, two party wall surveyors, threat of high court legal action, police involvement and a dangerous structure notice all thrown into the mix.

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